Homework 2011

(SUMMER 2011)
July 11 mquiz

Metal Report

HW: Metal Report due Tue
July 12 mquiz
MOLES p161
Demo: Alkali Metal

HW: Read C.1-C.6 p153
Answer 2SCS #1-12 p180
July 13 mquiz

HW: Read C.7-C.11 p164
Answer Practice Sheets (handout)
Answer 2SCS #13-17 p181
Read LAB C.11 p169-172
July 14 mquiz
LAB: C.11 Retrieving Cu p168_____________
HW: Read C.12-C.15 p172 +  D.1-D.4 p184
Answer 2SCS #18-21 p182
+ 2SDS #1-6 p204
Finish lab report
July 18 mquiz

D.5 Lab Rpt due

HW: Read Unit 4 B.1, B.2, B.7, B.11 p337
Answer U. 4 BS #1-8 p361

July 19 mquiz
DEMO Separate Distill

HW: Read Un3A.1-A.3 p212
Ansr Unit3 B.3 #1-4 p344 Ansr Unit 3 B.8 #1-6  p350 Answer Unit 4 SBS #14-20 p361

July 20 mquiz
Demo: Whoosh Bottle

HW: Read Unit 3 A.4 toA.9 p219
Answer Unit 3 SAS #1-30 p233 Except #’s 2, 4, 9, 14, 24, 25
Also Read Unit 3 A.10 p231, 3 B.1-B.3 p238, C.1, D.1-D.3, D.6 p282

July 21 mquiz

Study for 2nd semes. exam

HW: Answer 3 SAS #31-38 p235
Answer 3 SBS #1-10 p258
Answer in head 3 SCS #1, 3, 6, 13 p279 + 3 SBS #11 and #12 p258

#1) 1st HW Mon. June 13 for Tue. June 14 (plan to spend two hours per night)
  • Read/annotate the syllabus and Course Outline (note any questions)
    • Quiz: # hours homework/day? Does class participation count? Who has to sign the syllabus? The Safety Contract?
    • Qz: Do you do your homework on your blog? What about drawings? What if you don’t have internet?
  • Read/annotate Riverwood and Distinguish Facts from Opinions
    • Qz: Does Riverwood worry about water supply or pollution? (p.6)
    • Qz: How many days will you keep a family water diary? (p.8) how will your diary table look? (p.9)
    • Qz: How is water needed to make orange juice or an egg? (p.8)
    • Qz: What is the purpose of the Foul Water Lab? (p.10-15) What steps will you perform in the lab to purify the foul water? (p.10)
    • Qz: What is a Histogram and what does it show? (p.13)
    • Qz: What is the greatest percentage of water is used nationally? (p.16)
    • Qz: What percentage of water is fresh? Salt? (p.18)

  • Read, annotate, and comprehend A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, p.6-19
    • Quick Blog Question: Note on p. 7 major questions about water supply and purity. Keep these in your mind all through the unit. Which is more critical in your (early) opinion?
  • Answer on blog: ISAS #1, 2, 8-13, 17 on p. 23-24  (ISAS means unit I Section A Summary)
  • Answer on blog: A.5 #1-3 on p.17
    • Qz: What water could you do without? What could you not do without? (p.22)
    • Qz: Give examples of direct and indirect water use. (p.23)
    • Qz: Give three techniques for purifying water. (p.23)
  • Prepare for Foul Water Lab, annotate & understand the procedure A.3 p.10-15
    • Qz Terms: Meniscus, filtration,
  • Get your notebook organized (see syllabus), Review first day notes
  • Get parent signature on lab safety sheet (Lab Safety Agreement Form) and Student Safety Contract, and Syllabus
  • Sign Behavioral Expectations and put in your notebook
  • Fill out the Student information form
  • Plan and prepare your home Water Diary recording sheet (due filled out with three days’ data by next Monday, June 20. Get your family to cooperate.)
  • Create your own blog at https://www.blogger.com/start
    (If you already have a gmail or Google account, sign in first at the top of the page with your user name and password. If you don’t already have a gmail or user account, click “Create Blog” and use your Buckley email address @buckleyla.org to create one.)
    --Choose a name for your blog. (This will be your permanent blogging address).
    --You may use your first name, but for internet safety reasons, don't use your last name, the name of the school, or photos of any students. 
    --Choose a template design.
    --Create a heading title. (Greets readers and stays at the top)
    --Preview then Publish your blog.

    --ADD INSTRUCTOR AS AUTHOR: Go to Dashboard, click Settings, click Permissions, Add authors, type in jforman@buckley.org and save.
    --Add photo from Google images (search chemistry, science, etc.) and download pictures to myPictures in myDocs.
    --When creating blogs, click the photo image (next to link) and browse to MyPictures and add.
  • Begin your blog, post an introduction to yourself, and type your homework there.
    • Remember: if you occasionally do not have access to a computer or the internet, you may complete your homework on paper and keep it in your notebook.
    • Remember: you should do your own homework, even though others may have blogged their homework before you. Afterwards, if you are confused about something, you make look at others’ blogs to clarify, but you should never copy answers from another’s work.
    • Be sure to follow the main class blog by submitting your email.
    • Also, become a follower on the main class blog.

#2) HW   Tue. June 14 for Wed. June 15       FOUL WATER LAB REPORT
  • In class we will do the Foul Water Lab. Take good notes to write a lab report.
  • Annotate A.8, p.22, B.1, B.2, B.3, p.26-30
    • Qz terms to define, understand, give examples of: physical property, matter, density, freezing point, aqueous solution, surface tension (p.27), melting point, boiling point, suspension, mixture, heterogeneous mixture (p.28), Tyndall effect, colloid, homogeneous mixture, solution, solute, solvent (p.29), Matter chart (p.30)
  • Answer on blog: 1SAS #3-7, p.23, and A.8 #1-4 pg 22
    • Qz: Why can’t foul water lab make seawater drinkable? (p.23) What process can?
  • Write up a proper Foul Water Lab Report to turn in (with drawings/pictures)
  • Collect Water Diary Data at home (for 3 days)
  • Make Unit 1A vocab list: all bold words, all italicized, and words you don’t know (list and define on a new blog post)
Respond to any of the following ideas/goals in a short response in your Blog:
  • Priorities for the summer: remember big ideas long after the course is over.
    1. How Chemistry fits into the Science family, what its role is, what it helps us understand.
    2. Weigh in: Which is worse? Water shortages vs. Water pollution?
       Know the chemical properties of water that bear on these two issues. Debate online and in class. Inform yourself first. Have an informed opinion. Be able to argue either side.
    3. Understand the Chemistry and issues around global warming and air pollution, including the chemical processes.
    4. Have an understanding of the invisible world of matter underneath the 'surface.'
    5. Know how the periodic table works and be able to describe the order that is natural in the world of matter.
    Keep these themes in your blogs and thoughts throughout the summer and be able to discuss and debate them well.

#3) HW Wed. June 15 for Thursday, June 16
  • Read/annotate B.4 p.31 (carefully)
  • Answer on blog ISBS #1-12 p.50  [SKETCH ON PAPER: #9]
    • Qz terms (give examples, understand, define, explain): particulate level, atoms, element, compound, chemical formula, substance, molecule, molecular compound (p.31), physical properties of water, density of ice vs. water,
  • Study for Quiz 1 (Section A except A.7, Section B.1-B.4)
  • Collect Water Data at home
  • Make a unit 1 B.1-B.4 vocab list

#4) HW Thur. June 16 for Friday, June 17
  • Complete Supplement 1 (units and conversion) (on paper or on blog)
    • Qz: know how to do unit conversions
  • Read/annotate B.5 p.32-34
  • Answer on blog:B.5 #1-3 p. 33 [SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    • QZ: Draw monatomic gas with diatomic gas. Examples? Distribution? Be able to interpret models. Draw iodine as a solid vs. gas. (p.33)
  • Collect Water Diary Data at home for 3 days and bring to class completed on Monday
  • Science Report summarize one article on your blog for extra credit.
·         Go to Young library, Databases, Science Reference Center
·         Look up these Topics: water pollution/shortage, chemistry, air,
·         Or go to MAS: Magazine Article summary and find The Economist and search for science articles.
·         You should Create an account to save your articles
·         Also Email the article to yourself and to jforman@buckley.org
Examples: The Hunk and the Showoff; Cat and Mouse; Fish and No Chips; Tiny Things; Vaccination Health Scares; Artificial Life Created;
Required: 1 paragraph summary, due every Friday BEFORE class starts, in class open your blog and (if possible) the database website or article, and briefly explain it to class (also, ALWAYS explain why it matters to us!)
#5) HW for Monday June 21
  • Finish answering on blog A.7 #1-7 p.20-21
  • Read/annotate B.6-B.7 p.34-37
  • Answer on blog ISBS #13-18 p.50-52 [SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    1. QZ: Interpret historgrams and what they tell us. (p.20) Memorize symbols for elements.
    2. QZ terms: chemical symbols, periodic table of the elements (p.34) know and understand it, subscript, chemical equations, chemical reactions, reactants, products, balanced equations (p.35), diatomic molecules atom inventory, balance burning of methane (be able to balance equations), distinguish compound from element (p.36), two pieces of info chemical formula provides (p.51)
  • NO additional blog question

#6) Mon. night June 20 for Tue June 21
  • Read/annotate B.8-B.11   p.37-45
  • Answer 1SBS # 19-24   p.51
    • Qz terms (give examples, understand, define, explain):  electrons, protons, neutrons, ionic compounds, cation, anion, crystal, polyatomic ion (p.38-39), two types of copper and iron ions, electron cloud, Sodium Chloride, Water, Memorize table (p.40) for hydrogen, sodium, copper, silver, magnesium, calcium iron, fluoride, chloride, bromide, hydroxide, oxide, carbonate.
    • QZ terms: confirming test, precipitate, qualitative test, quantitative test, reference solution, (p.42-43), be able to explain Water Testing Lab and make your own table and explain it. Calcium Test, Iron Test, Chloride Test, Sulfate Test.
    • QZ: what is an atom composed of? Identify # of protons and electrons in carbon? Aluminum? Lead? Chlorine? Ionic compounds: give examples and explain. What ionic compound do K+ and I- form? (p.51)
  • Finish B.9-B.10 supplement (handout) on blog or on paper
  • Read the Water Testing Lab (handout)
  • Blog question; how does testing water help us?

#7) Tue night June 21 for Wed   WATER TESTING LAB REPORT
  • Read, annotate, and learn from B.12-B.14    p.45-47
  • Answer lab questions #1-4 pg 45 (attach to Lab Report)
  • 1SBS #25-34 p.51-2 [SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    • QZ: pure vs. impure water, why can’t we confirm absence of an ion? Explain the difference between a confirming test and a distilled-water blank? What purpose does each serve? Compare physical properties of water vs. hydrogen vs. oxygen. (p.52)
  • Prepare Lab Report to turn in (with drawings)
  • Blog question: what did you learn from this lab about water and about process?

#8) Wed. night June 22 for Thu
  • Read/annotate C.1-C.2  p.53-56
  • Answer C.2 questions  #1-3 p.56
  • Answer 1SCS problems #1-8 p.82
    • QZ terms: saturated, solubility, unsaturated solution, supersaturated solution, understand constructing a solubility curve and be able to explain it. Be able to solve math questions on p.56. Sugar dissolving in hot tea but not cold (p.82).
  • Blog question Explain your way of solving math word problems when answering solubility questions.

#9) Thur. night June 23 for Fri
  • Read C.3-C.7 p.57-65
  • Answer C.5 problems #1-3 p.62
  • Complete C.6 and C.7 Supplement: Solution Concentration (on paper or on blog)
  • Blog question tba
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)

#10) Sun night for Mon. June 27
  • Read C.8-C.9 p.65-70
  • Answer 1SCS problems #9-19 p.82-83
  • No Blog question


#11) June 27, Mon. night (due Tuesday)
  • Read C.10-C.13
  • Answer 1SCS #20-27, 33, 35
  • Read Supplement about Solubility Curve Lab
  • Blog question tba

#12) June 28, Tue. Night (due Wed.)
  • Read D.1-D.6
  • Answer 1SDS #1-9, 18-22
  • Blog question tba

#13) June 29, Wed. night (due Thurs, June 30)
·         Begin studying for first semester exam (Unit 1)
  • Blog question tba

#14) June 30, Thu. night (due Fri, July 1)
·         Study for first semester exam (Unit 1)
No Blog question
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)

(SEMESTER TWO)                                     Name ________

Monday July 5 No School

#1) July 5, Tue. night (due Wednesday)  Elements, Physical Properties, Metals
  • Read Unit 2 A.1-A.4 p.110
  • Memorize elements Table 2.1 page 114
  • Blog question tba
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161-8
  • Read Unit 2 A.5 p.115                       A.5 LAB: Metal or Nonmetal?
  • Answer 2SAS #1-12 p.130
  • Answer #1-4 page 117 (and finish chart)
#2) July 6, Wed. Night (due Thu.)  Metal or Nonmetal?
·         Read A.6-A.11 p.117
·         Construct Bar Graph for A.9 (to be handed in) p.122
·         Answer 2SAS #13-25 p.130
  • Blog question tba
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)

#3) July 7, Thu. night (due Fri) Periodic Table, Patterns, Grouping
·         Read A.12-A.13 p.126 and B.1-B.3 p.134    B.3 LAB: Converting Cu
·         Read Handout on metallic bonding (handout)
·         Answer 2SAS #26-28, 29-34 p.132
·         Answer 2SBS #1-8 p.151
#4) July 10, Sunday night (due Mon July 11) Properties, Money, Metals on Earth
Metal Reactivity, Redox
  • Read B.4-B.9 p.140                            B.5 LAB: Metals Reactivity
  • Answer 2SBS #9-22 p.151
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161-8
No Blog question


#5) July 11, Mon. night (due Tuesday) Metal Report
  • Metal Report
  • Blog question tba
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161
#6) July 12, Tue. Night (due Wed.) MOLE! Balancing Equations, Counting Atoms, Conserving Matter
  • Read C.1-C.6 p.153
  • Answer 2SCS #1-12 p.180
  • Blog question tba
#7) July 13, Wed. night (due Thurs) Equations, Molar Relationships, Percent Composition
·         Read C.7-C.11 p.164                                     C.11 LAB: Retrieving Cu
·         Answer Practice Sheets (handout)
·         Answer 2SCS #13-17 p.181
  • Blog question tba

#8) July 14, Thu. night (due Fri) Conservation, Recycle, Allotropes
·         Read C.12-C.15 p.172 and D.1-D.4 p.184
·         Answer 2SCS #18-21 p.182
·         Answer 2SDS #1-6 p.204
  • Blog question tba
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)

#9) July 15-17, Fri.-Sun. night (due Mon.) Alloys, Semiconductors
  • Read D.5-D.6  p.191              D.5 LAB: Striking it Rich
  • Answer 2SDS #7-13 p.204
  • Study for Test
  • No Blog question

HOMEWORK: WEEK SIX (July 18-22) (revised version!)

#10) July 18, Mon. night (due Tuesday) Electromagnetic Spectrum, Carbon Cycle, Greenhouse Effect
  • Read Unit 4 B.1, B.2, B.7, B.11 p.337
  • Answer Unit 4 BS #1-8 p.360
  • Answer Unit 4 SBS #14-20 pg 361
  • Blog question tba

#11) July 19, Tue. Night (due Wed.) Petroleum, Distilling, Petroleum, Refining, Molecules, Hydrocarbon Boiling, Chemical Bonding, Electron Shells, Covalent Bonds, Modeling Alkanes
  • Read Unit 3 A.1-A.3 p.212                unit3A.2 DEMO: separating by distillation
  • Answer Unit 4 B.3 #1-4   p.344
  • Answer Unit 4 B.8 #1-6   p.350
·         Read Unit 3 A.4 toA.9 p.219                         A.7 LAB: Modeling Alkanes
  • Answer Unit 3 SAS #1-30 p.233  (Except #’s 2, 4, 9, 14, 24, 25)
  • Blog question tba

#12) July 20, Wed. night (due Thurs) Alkanes, Petrochemicals, Energy Conversion, Fossil Fuels
·         Read Unit 3 A.10 p.231,  3 B.1-B.3 p.238 , C.1 p.262, D.1-D.3, D.6 p.282
·         Answer 3 SAS #31-38 p.235
·         Answer 3 SBS #1-10 p.258
·         Answer in head 3 SCS #1, 3, 6, 13 p.279 and 3 SBS #11 and #12 p.258
  • Blog question tba

#13) July 21, Thu. night (due Fri) Study for Final Exam STUDY
·         Study for SECOND semester final exam
  • Last Blog question tba
  • Last Science Report summary

Friday July 22: Final Exam and Last Day of class!