Homework 2013

(SUMMER 2013)  (subject to change)
Name ____________________
June 17
June 24
July 1
4 No school
5 No school
July 8
July 15
July 22
Week One HW June 17-21
#1)1st HW due Tue. June 18             (plan to spend two or more hours per night)
  • Read/annotate the syllabus and Course Outline (note any questions)
    • Quiz: # hours homework/day? Does class participation count? Who has to sign the syllabus? The Safety Contract? Do you do your homework on your blog? What about drawings? What if you don’t have internet?
  • Read/annotate Riverwood and Distinguish Facts from Opinions
    • Qz: Does Riverwood worry about water supply or pollution? (p.6)
    • Qz: How many days will you keep a family water diary? (p.8) How will your diary table look? (p.9) How is water needed to make orange juice or an egg? (p.8) What is the purpose of the Foul Water Lab? (p.10-15) What steps will you perform in the lab to purify the foul water? (p.10)
    • Qz: What is a Histogram and what does it show? (p.13) What is the greatest percentage of water is used nationally? (p.16) What percentage of water is fresh? Salt? (p.18)
  • Read, annotate, study, and comprehend A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, p.4-19 & p.v (Lab Rules)
    • Quick Blog Question: Note on p. 7 major questions about water supply and purity. Keep these in your mind all through the unit. Which is more critical in your opinion: Lack of water or water pollution? (blog anwer)
  • Answer on blog: ISAS #1, 2, 8-13, 17 on p. 23-24 
    • (ISAS means unit I Section A Summary)
  • Answer on blog: A.5 #1-3 on p.17
    • Qz: What water could you do without? What could you not do without? (p.22) Give examples of direct and indirect water use. (p.23) Give three techniques for purifying water. (p.23)
  • Prepare for Foul Water Lab, annotate & understand the procedure A.3 p.10-15
    • Qz Terms: Meniscus, filtration,
    • Be prepared to write a detailed lab report and answer all questions.
  • Get your notebook organized and set up your blog (see syllabus), Review first day notes
  • Get parent signature on lab safety sheet (Lab Safety Agreement Form) and Student Safety Contract, and Syllabus
  • Sign Behavioral Expectations to turn in
  • Fill out the Student information form
  • Plan and prepare your home Water Diary recording sheet (due filled out with three days’ data by next Monday, June 24. Get your family to cooperate.)
  • BLOG: Create your own blog at https://www.blogger.com/start
    You must use your Buckley email (name@buckley.org) to create your blogspot account. First, you will need to register your Buckley email as a registered Google account. Then you can create your Google account. So for this process, pretend you don’t already have a gmail or Google user account, click “Create Blog” and use your Buckley email address @buckleyla.org to create one.
    --Choose a name for your blog. (This will be your permanent blogging address).
·         Stephanati.blogspot.com
·         Sydamentary.blogspot.com
·         BrandX.blogspot.com
·         Spenceritis.blogspot.com
·         Liviandlearn.blogspot.com
--You may use your first name, but for internet safety reasons, don't use your last name, the name of the school, or front facing photos of any students.
--Choose a template design.
--Create a heading title. (Greets readers and stays at the top)
--Preview then Publish your blog.
--ADD INSTRUCTOR AS AUTHOR: Go to Dashboard, click Settings, click Permissions, Add authors, type in jforman@buckley.org and save.
--Add photo from Google images (search chemistry, science, etc.) and download pictures to myPictures in myDocs. Plan to use a lot of photos on your blog this summer, either downloaded from Google images or taken with cell phones or iPads and uploaded to your blogger account or MyPictures on your Buckley documents.
--NOTE: When taking photos, you MUST observe Buckley policies! No pictures of instructor or of students. (Occasionally you may be given permission, but this is rare and is on a case by case basis.)
--When creating blogs, click the photo image (next to link) and browse to MyPictures and add.
  • Begin your blog, post an introduction to yourself, and type your homework there.
    • Remember: if you occasionally do not have access to a computer or the internet, you may complete your homework on paper and keep it in your notebook. Later, you may take a photo of your homework and post it to your blog so it is all in one place.
    • Remember: you should do your own homework, even though others may have blogged their homework before you. Afterwards, if you are confused about something, you make look at others’ blogs to clarify, but you should never copy answers from another’s work. Never.
    • Be sure to follow the main class blog by submitting your email on the blog to become a follower on the main class blog.
 #2) HW Due Wed. June 19    FOUL WATER LAB REPORT
  • In class Tuesday we will do the Foul Water Lab. Take good notes to write a lab report. Take pictures (with permission) to post to your blog.
  • Read, Study, and Annotate A.8, p.22, B.1, B.2, B.3, p.26-30
    • Qz terms to define, understand, give examples of: physical property,  matter, density, freezing point, aqueous solution, surface tension (p.27), melting point, boiling point, suspension, mixture, heterogeneous mixture (p.28), Tyndall effect, colloid, homogeneous mixture, solution, solute, solvent (p.29), Matter chart (p.30)
  • Answer on blog: 1SAS #3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , p.23, and A.8 #1-4 pg 22
    • Qz: Why can’t foul water lab make seawater drinkable? (p.23) What process can?
  • Write up a proper Foul Water Lab Report to turn in (with drawings/pictures) or post it on your blog (preferable). Learn how to post cell phone pictures of your drawings to your blog. (You can teach each other how to do it.)
  • Collect Water Diary Data at home (for 3 days)
  • Make Unit 1A vocab list: all bold words, all italicized, and words you don’t know (list and define on a new blog post or (better) make a new page, label it ‘Terms’ and list all vocab on the new page.
 BLOG: Respond to any of the following ideas/goals in a short response in your Blog:
  • Priorities for the summer: remember big ideas long after the course is over.
    1. How Chemistry fits into the Science family, what its role is, what it helps us understand.
    2. Weigh in: Which is worse? Water shortages vs. Water pollution?
    Know the chemical properties of water that bear on these two issues. Debate online and in class. Inform yourself first. Have an informed opinion. Be able to argue either side.
    3. Understand the Chemistry and issues around global warming and air pollution, including the chemical processes.
    4. Have an understanding of the invisible world of matter underneath the 'surface.'
    5. Know how the periodic table works and be able to describe the order that is natural in the world of matter.
    Keep these themes in your blogs and thoughts throughout the summer and be able to discuss and debate them well.
 #3) HW due Thursday, June 20 (two hours)
  • Read/annotateB.4 p.30-31 (carefully, study the chart)
  • Answer on blog ISBS #1-12 p.50  [SKETCH ON PAPER: #9]
    • Qz terms (give examples, understand, define, explain): particulate level, atoms, element, compound, chemical formula, substance, molecule, molecular compound (p.31), physical properties of water, density of ice vs. water,
  • Study for Quiz 1 (Section A except A.7, Section B.1-B.4)
  • Collect Water Data at home
  • Make a unit 1 B.1-B.4 vocab list and post on blog (under new page that your create called ‘TERMS’)
 #4) HW due Friday, June 21         (two hours)
  • Complete Supplement 1 (units and conversion) (on paper or on blog)
    • Qz: know how to do unit conversions
  • Read/annotateB.5 p.32-34
  • Answer on blog:B.5#1-3 p. 33[SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    • QZ: Draw monatomic gas with diatomic gas. Examples? Distribution? Be able to interpret models. Draw iodine as a solid vs. gas. (p.33)
  • Collect Water Diary Data at home for 3 days and bring to class done by Monday
  • Science Report summarize one article on your blog for extra credit.
·         Use Economist magazine, find an article in the Science/Technology section
·         Go to Young library, Databases, Science Reference Center
·         Look up these Topics: water pollution/shortage, chemistry, air,
·         Or go to MAS: Magazine Article summary and find The Economist and search for science articles.
·         You should Create an account to save your articles
·         Also Email the article to yourself and to jforman@buckley.org
Examples: The Hunk and the Showoff; Cat and Mouse; Fish and No Chips; Tiny Things; Vaccination Health Scares; Artificial Life Created;
Required for Oral Report: 1 paragraph summary, due every Friday BEFORE class starts, in class open your blog and (if possible) the database website or article, and briefly explain it to class (also, ALWAYS explain why it matters to us!) (see syllabus on how to receive full credit)

#5) HW due Monday June 24  (two hours)
  • Finish your water diary and bring to class!
  • Finish answering on blog A.7 #1-7p.20-21
  • Read/annotateB.6-B.7 p.34-37
  • Answer on blog ISBS #13-18 p.50-52 [SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    1. QZ: Interpret historgrams and what they tell us. (p.20) Memorize symbols for elements.
    2. QZ terms: chemical symbols, periodic table of the elements (p.34) know and understand it, subscript, chemical equations, chemical reactions, reactants, products, balanced equations (p.35), diatomic molecules atom inventory, balance burning of methane (be able to balance equations), distinguish compound from element (p.36), two pieces of info chemical formula provides (p.51)
  • Additional blog question: What interested you most in the first week? What will you remember later?
 WEEK TWO June 24-28
#6) HW due Tue June 25  (two hours)
  • Read/annotateB.8-B.11   p.37-45
  • Answer 1SBS # 19-24   p.51
    • Qz terms (give examples, understand, define, explain):  electrons, protons, neutrons, ionic compounds, cation, anion, crystal, polyatomic ion (p.38-39), two types of copper and iron ions, electron cloud, Sodium Chloride, Water, Memorize table (p.40) for hydrogen, sodium, copper, silver, magnesium, calcium iron, fluoride, chloride, bromide, hydroxide, oxide, carbonate.
    • QZ terms: confirming test, precipitate, qualitative test, quantitative test, reference solution, (p.42-43), be able to explain Water Testing Lab and make your own table and explain it. Calcium Test, Iron Test, Chloride Test, Sulfate Test.
    • QZ: what is an atom composed of? Identify # of protons and electrons in carbon? Aluminum? Lead? Chlorine? Ionic compounds: give examples and explain. What ionic compound do K+ and I- form? (p.51)
  • Finish B.9-B.10 supplement (handout) on blog or on paper
  • Read the Water Testing Lab (handout)
  • Blog question; how does testing water help us?
 #7) Hw due Wed June 26 WATER TESTING LAB REPORT
  • Read, annotate, and learn fromB.12-B.14    p.45-47
  • Answer lab questions #1-4 pg 45 (attach to Lab Report)
  • 1SBS #25-34 p.51-2 [SKETCH DRAWINGS ON PAPER]
    • QZ: pure vs. impure water, why can’t we confirm absence of an ion? Explain the difference between a confirming test and a distilled-water blank? What purpose does each serve? Compare physical properties of water vs. hydrogen vs. oxygen. (p.52)
  • Prepare Water Testing Lab Report to turn in (with drawings)
  • Blog question: what did you learn from this lab about water and about process?
 #8) Hw due Thu June 27  (two hours)
  • Read/annotateC.1-C.2  p.53-56
  • Answer C.2 questions  #1-3 p.56
  • Answer 1SCSproblems #1-8 p.82
    • QZ terms: saturated, solubility, unsaturated solution, supersaturated solution, understand constructing a solubility curve and be able to explain it. Be able to solve math questions on p.56. Sugar dissolving in hot tea but not cold (p.82).
  • Blog question: Explain your way of solving math word problems when answering solubility questions.
 #9) Hw due Fri June28  (two hours)
  • Read C.3-C.7 p.57-65
  • AnswerC.5problems #1-3*4-5-6 p.62
  • Complete C.6 and C.7 Supplement: Solution Concentration (on paper or on blog)
  • Blog question: Explain how to do solution concentration problems. What is the tricky part?
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)
 #10) Hw due Mon. July1
  • Read C.8-C.13 p.65-79
  • Read Supplement about Solubility Curve Lab
  • Answer1SCSproblems #9-19* p.82-83
  • Answer 1SCS #20-27, 33, 35*
  • Blog question: Explain how solubility curve lab works.
#11) hw due Tue July 2
  • Blog question: Do a little online research on why we drink bottled water. Blog.
·         Read D.1-D.6, p.86-92
  • Answer 1SDS #1-9, 18-22
 #12) hw due Wed. July 3
  • Blog question: What is the most important idea you have learned about in Unit 1. Why? Elaborate. (or make your own question)
·         Study for first semester midterm exam (Unit 1)
  • Science Oral Report summary (extra credit)
#13) hw due Mon July 8
  • Read Unit 2 A.1-A.4 p.110
  • Memorize elements Table 2.1 page 114
No Blog question

(SEMESTER TWO)                                    
WEEK FOUR (first week of Semester two, July 8-12)
#1) hw due Tue July 9   Elements, Physical Properties, Metals
  • Study again Unit 2 A.1-A.4 p.110-114
  • Blog question: What to you is the fundamental difference between metals and non-metals? Give examples from your daily life.  
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161-8. Understand moles, Avogadro’s number, molar mass, percent composition.
  • Read Unit 2 A.5p.115                       
  • A.5 prepare to write LAB REPORT: Metal or Nonmetal?
  • Answer 2SAS #1-12 p.130
  • Answer #1-4 page 117 (and finish chart)
 #2) hw due Wed. July 10 Metal or Nonmetal?
·         Read A.6-A.11 p.117
·         Construct Bar Graph for A.9 (to be handed in) p.122
·         Answer 2SAS #13-25 p.130
  • Blog question: Explain what you understand about the periodic table
  • Write up Lab Report
#3) hw due Thu July 11     Periodic Table, Patterns, Grouping
·         Read A.12-A.13p.126 and B.1-B.3 p.134    B.3 LAB: Converting Cu
·         Read Handout on metallic bonding (handout)
·         Answer 2SAS #26-28, 29-34 p.132
·         Answer 2SBS #1-8 p.151

#4) hw due Fri July 12    Periodic Table, Patterns, Grouping
·         Read A.12-A.13 p.126 and B.1-B.3 p.134    B.3 LAB: Converting Cu
·         Read Handout on metallic bonding (handout)
·         Answer 2SAS #26-28, 29-34 p.132
·         Answer 2SBS #1-8*2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 p.151
·         Science Report

#5) hw due Mon July 15     Properties, Money, Metals on Earth Metal Reactivity, Redox
  • Read B.4-B.9 p.140                           
  • B.5 LAB: Metals Reactivity, prepare lab
  • Answer 2SBS #9-22 p.151
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161-8
WEEK FIVE (second week of semester two, July 15-19)
#6)hw due Tue July 17 Metal Report
  • Metal Report
  • Blog question: Explain your chosen metal in a blog
  • Look ahead to Moles p.161(again)
 #7) hw due Wed July 17    MOLE!Balancing Equations, Counting Atoms, Conserving Matter
  • Read C.1-C.6 p.153
  • Answer 2SCS #1-12 p.180
  • Blog question: Explain the relationship between atoms, neutrons, protons, electrons, and molecules. Give examples using CO2 and H2O
 #8) hw due Thu July 18    Equations, Molar Relationships, Percent Composition
·         Read C.7-C.11 p.164                        
·         C.11 LAB: Retrieving Cu
·         Answer Practice Sheets (handout)
·         Answer 2SCS #13-17 p.181

#9) hw due Fri July 19        Conservation, Recycle, Allotropes
·         Read C.12-C.15 p.172-178 and D.1-D.4 p.184-190
·         Answer 2SCS #18-21 p.182
·         Answer 2SDS #1-6 p.204
  • Blog question: Explain the differences between allotropes. (e.g. O2 vs. O3)
  • Science Report summary (extra credit)
 #10) hw due Mon. July 22       Alloys, Semiconductors
  • Read D.5-D.6 p.191-195                   
  • D.5 LAB: Striking it Rich
  • Answer 2SDS #7-13  p.204
  • Study for Test
  • Blog about the uses of alloys and how their properties change.
 WEEK SIX(last week, July 22-26)
#11) hw due Tue July 23
         Electromagnetic Spectrum, Carbon Cycle, Greenhouse Effect
  • Read Unit 4 B.1, B.2, B.7, B.11 p.337
  • Electromagnetic spectrum. Solar radiation, wavelength. uV three types. Greenhouse gases and effect. Carbon dioxide. Carbon cycle.  Plants vs. gas. Cows. Global warming.
  • Answer Unit 4 BS #1-8 p.360
  • Answer Unit 4 SBS #14-20 pg 361
  • Blog about electromagnetic spectrum or global warming! Or about CFC’s in the atmosphere.
 #12) hw due Wed July 24           
Petroleum, Distilling, Petroleum, Refining, Molecules, Hydrocarbon Boiling, Chemical Bonding, Electron Shells, Covalent Bonds, Modeling Alkanes
  • Read Unit 3 A.1-A.3 p.212-219 and Read Unit 3 A.4 toA.9 p.219-230                 
  • unit3A.2 DEMO: separating by distillation
  • Understand: Hydrocarbons and boiling points. Distilling OH vs. water. Refinery. Electron shells. Covalent bonds. Modeling alkanes and boiling points, straight vs. branched. Alkane isomers.
  • Answer Unit 4 B.3 #1-4  p.344
  • Answer Unit 4 B.8 #1-6   p.350        
·         A.7 LAB: Modeling Alkanes
  • Answer Unit 3 SAS #1-30 p.233  (Except #’s 2, 4, 9, 14, 24, 25)
  • Blog about distillation to separate alcohol and water.
 #13) hw due Thu July 25     Alkanes, Petrochemicals, Energy Conversion, Fossil Fuels
·         Read Unit 3 A.10 p.231,  3 B.1-B.3 p.238-243 , C.1 p.262-265, C.3 p266, D.1-D.3 p.282-285, D.6 p.289-292 (last reading)
·         Understand: Boiling points of alkane isomers. Fossil fuels. Chemical vs kinetic vs potential energy. Petrochemicals. Double covalent bonds. Alternative energy and vehicles.
·         Answer 3 SAS #31-38 p.235
·         Answer 3 SBS #1-10 p.258
·         Answer in head 3 SCS #1, 3, 6, 13 p.279 and 3 SBS #11 and #12 p.258
  • Blog about fossil fuels vs. alternative energy and vehicles. How do hybrid vehicles help the planet? Electric vehicles? Do some research.
 #14) hw due Fri July 26     Study for Final Exam STUDY
·         Study for SECOND semester final exam
  • Last Blog question: How has your study of Chemistry helped you understand science and the world of atoms? How has blogging been helpful?
  • Last Science Report summary (optional, depending on time)
Friday July 26: Final Exam and Last Day of class!

                        Have a great summer! J

LABS (and Demos)
1st week: Lab A.3 Foul Water Lab
2nd week: Lab
3rd week: Lab
4th week: Lab
5th week: Presentation Metal Report + Lab
6TH WEEK: Lab D.5 Striking it rich
Lab A.7 Modeling alkanes
Demo A.2 Separation by distillation

2013 Chemistry Summer School Course Overview
·         Mon. June 17  Intro to Chemistry, Principles, Course procedures, Unit 1 Water, blogs
·         Tue. June 18    Unit 1: Section A Sources and Uses of Water
·         Wed. June 19  Principles of Chemistry,
·         Thu. June 20    Foul Water Lab
·         Fri. June 21     Review and exam, Oral reports
2nd week
·         Mon. June 24  Unit 1 Section B  Looking at Water and its Contaminants
·         Tue. June 25    Unit 1 C
·         Wed. June 26  Unit 1 D
·         Thu. June 27    Lab
·         Fri. June 28     Review and exam, Oral reports
·         Mon. July 1     Unit 2 Materials: Sec A Why use what we do
·         Tue. July 2       Lab + Unit 2: Sec. B Earth’s Mineral Resources and Finish Unit2
·         Wed. July 3     MIDTERM EXAM (two hours), Oral reports
·         Thu. July 4      No School
·         Fri. July 5        No School      
4th week
·         Mon. July 8     Begin Unit 2: Sec. C
·         Tue. July 9       Unit 2: Sec. C Conserving Materials & Lab
·         Wed. July 10   Unit 2: Sec. D Designing Materials for Desired Properties
·         Thu. July 11    Unit 2
·         Fri. July 12      Review and exam, Oral reports
·         Mon. July 15   Unit 3 Petroleum: Sec. A & B Energy
·         Tue. July 16     Unit 3 Petroleum: Sec. C & D Energy Alternatives
·         Wed. July 17   Lab & Unit 4 Air (Sec. A Gases in the Atmosphere)
·         Thu. July 18    Unit 4 (Sec. B Radiation and Climate)
·         Fri. July 19      Review and exam, Oral reports
·         Mon. July 22   Unit 4 (Sec. C Acids in the Atmosphere)
·         Tue. July 23     Lab
·         Wed. July 24   Unit 4 (Sec. D Air Pollution)
·         Thu. July 25    Unit 5 Atoms: Nuclear Interactions
·         Fri. July 26      Review and Final Exam (two hours), Oral reports

2013 Summer School Chemistry  Dr. Forman
June 17 Intro Unit1 H2O
Start blogs
18 Unit1A H2O
What is H2O? What is Chem?
LAB Foul H2O
19 Principles of Chemistry
10:30 fire drill
20 Unit I H2O
Prep oral reports
Oral Reports
June 24 unit1B
25 unit1C
H2O Test LAB
26 unit1D
27 Water
Prep reports
Oral Reports
July 1 unit2A Materials
2unit2B +LAB

10: EQdrill
3MidtermExam +Oral Reports
4 No school
5 No school
July 8 unit2C
9 unit2C +LAB Metal?
Cons. Materials
10 unit2D
Oral Reports
July 15
17 LAB
Oral Reports
11: firedrill
July 22
23 LAB
24 Unit4D Air Pollution
25 Unit5 Atoms
Nuclear Interact
26 Final Exam
Oral Reports

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