Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Foul Water Lab

Foul Water Lab
To my Chemistry students:

Good job in class today, washing the glassware, sticking with the long lab, and working hard to make progress on your lab reports.
Yours,  Dr Forman
Drinking the Foul Water

Here are links to some important sites:

Our Chem class website (for downloading documents):

If you click on important documents:

Then if you click on the PowerPoint for Lab Reports (it’s actually a document):

Also, here’s a question someone submitted:
Student: Why can't foul water lab make seawater drinkable? (p. 23) What process can? Is it because the foul water lab cannot completely remove the even smaller particles within the water?

Dr Forman: Filtration can't remove salt or other particles (like salt) in solution, but distillation can.

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